photo: weheartit
I listened to a total of 754 minutes speeches from the Preliminary up to the Breaking Rounds. It was exhausting, tiring, but at the same time fulfilling. I never saw my own debaters debate. It was because as an adjudicator, I must adjudicate only matches that I have no conflict of interest. But even without me around during their matches, they performed very well.
It was my first time to adjudicate a debate tournament and a National level at that. I always preferred to send someone else to adjudicate and serve as representative on behalf of my debate teams. I preferred to stay around seeing my debaters debate and coach them. But this time, I was left with no choice. No adjudicators were available from our institution. I had to step up. I registered myself as an adjudicator and took the adjudication test. When the result came, I topped the test. There were a total of 66 adjudicators from a total of 43 institutions participating in the tournament. I ended up as a Shadow Core adjudicator, deciding for the scores of other adjudicators either to lift up or mark down.
Thus the reason of my absence. For a week my beloved blogs were left deserted. But I'm back and I promised myself to blog with a vengeance.