I considered making my own shoe design. Since I too am blessed with the arts side, perhaps I could use it for shoe designing. After all, I love shoes a lot. But time and work did not allow me to come up with a good entry. Or perhaps, it simply wasn't a priority.
But then it amazed me, that thousands of miles away across the pacific lives my little sis who loves art. She is clearly a shoe lover but her frail legs not fully develop deprive her of wearing the fabulous shoes that she so covet. She always google for the best shoes she'd love to wear, post them at her facebook profile, but she knows that she never would be able to give them justice through her own feet. Sure she can walk, but high heels are just beyond considerations.
And then I discovered that she chanel this love of shoes into drawing. Seeing upon her designs, I believe she has potentials.
The little shoe designer is Dashiki and she happened to be my youngest sibling.