I can spot Japanese fashions even in the streets. They speak of colors, lively and bright that are matched together. There's nothing mundane in this type of fashion. It's all about daring to wear more than three bold colors in an outfit. More colors is the ultimate principle.
One shop that I found recently where you can easily purchase Japanese fashion is the Tokyo Fashion Online Shop founded by Mayuki Zhou in 2005. They specializes in all different Japanese styles that as they put it, "are making international headlines!"
This Cardigan Overlay Printed Chiffon Tunic is a product from Tokyo Fashion Online Shop. It is available in four colors: Hot Pink, Purple, Flesh and Black.
This Cardigan Overlay Printed Chiffon Tunic is a product from Tokyo Fashion Online Shop. It is available in four colors: Hot Pink, Purple, Flesh and Black.
Another online shop of Japanese fashion that you can check is the SDKING by Chae Nan Ju. This Short-Sleeve Knit Cardigan by SDkING is available in black, blue, pink and white. It polishes any type of your summer dress - flowery, striped, plain single color or even dots.
Shopping for some new cardigans is definitely first in my wish-list. :)