If there’s one special stone that I’d love to have, it’s a ruby. Something in this gem fascinates me. I love its pink blooded color, especially the natural one without inclusion, it’s very girly. This stone must have been created solely for Valentine’s Day that’s why its color speaks mostly of sweetness and love.
I wonder if men think of ruby if they're to propose. I bet the sight of a glimmering pinkish red after the box is opened would be more than enough to convince her that indeed, he's the one.
Best seller ruby ring with diamonds |
As for me, I’m done being engaged but I did not receive any ruby. I did, however, receive a wonderful ring that’s white gold around with a stone that’s just 1.0 Moh harder than ruby – a diamond. Of course I love my engagement ring. But if I were asked to choose between what my boyfriend gave me and a sweet
ruby ring, I most probably would take weeks to decide.
Unfortunately, I don’t wear rings. This is due to my religion’s practice of simplicity (weird, huh? given that I blog about fashion). We don’t wear jewelries. So what would I do with my ruby ring if I had one? I won’t wear it, yes, but I most certainly put it in a fabulous jewelry box, look at it every night before I’d go to bed, delight in its beauty and guard it with all my life!
I noticed that there are more ruby rings and necklaces created out of this stone than wrist watches. And if there are any watches made that are accentuated by ruby, I haven’t found one that I really fancy, yet. (Let me know if you had!)
Because of my fascination of ruby, I researched about the places were this stone is mined. I learned that for centuries, the country that was most well-known as source of this gem is just a neighboring country – Myanmar. But things even got more fascinating when I discovered that Thailand, the very country where I’m in, has also been historically mined for ruby. Great news!
Admiration aside, to all the girls like me who doesn't have ruby but who love it, here’s a wonderful quote that I hope you’d like.
“No one has found the worth of the ruby of the heart; its value cannot be estimated.”~ Sri Guru Granth Sahib