About a month ago, I came up with the I Want Candy concept from a necklace that I saw on an a sneaker ad. I can't exactly remember which ad it was. But basically, I spoke to Chris the Photographer and he had a couple of ideas and one of them was a really bright indoor set. I hand made most of the jewelry with Twizzlers, Gummi Bears, Marshmallows, Life Savers and Candy Dots. I ate candy all day and had a blast.
I am the Stylist on the set, which means that I do not design or make clothing and I don't take the pictures. I am not selling any of this either, all I do is put the concept together and bring it to life with the clothing and with the collaboration of the Photographer.
The Model, Veronica and The Make Up Artist were great and it shows because the final product is Fantastic!!

Make Up Artist-Tara
Model- Veronica
Stylist-Enid P. "Working on my Dream on a daily basis"