Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Annie - Les Tuileries - Paris

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"My name is Annie. I am a High-School/Blogger.
For me Fashion is like an Obsession. My look is
something like everyday look. I love Paris & Fashion
Week. I hate to live in a small german city ..."

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I wear a Sailor Jacket by Zara
Floral Top by Zara
Waisted Jeans
Ankle Boots
Hat vintage
Bag by GreenBurry
Necklace made by Myself
Ring from Flea Market
Perfume; "Miss Dior Cherie" by Dior

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Andrej Pejic - FW - Paris

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Ce mannequin de Bosnie-Herzégovine fait sensation à chacune de ses apparitions
et notamment aux Fashion Week parisiennes. Il pousse l'androgynie vraiment très
loin et suscite beaucoup de curiosité.

Emilie -Into the Gloss - FW - Paris

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Emilie de Into The Gloss.com (Thanks to my dear readers !)

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Marianne - Fw - Paris

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As said on her "Style Devil"Blog
Marianne sells her soul to Fashion on a daily basis !

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Dress by Alexander Wang
Vintage Coat
Belt by Ann Deleulemeester
Glasses by Linda Farrow
Bag by Basia

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The Model - FW- Paris

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Paris FW - Grand Palais - Paris

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J'ai photographié cette jeune illustratrice devant le Grand Palais.
Elles dessinait la foule des gens qui se pressaient pour voir le défilé
Chanel ...

Zoe - Grand Palais - Paris

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C'est la deuxième fois que Zoe figure sur Easy fashion (voir ici)
pour en savoir plus sur elle avec le mini-interview ...
J'aime cette capacité qu'elle a de concevoir une tenue
cohérente avec presque rien et ça marche très bien !

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Elin - Grand Palais - Paris

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" ... My name is Elin. I am a student from Norway.
Fashion is a part of my life, but I am relax about
it. Today, my look is Minimalist random clothes. In
Life I love Music. I hate Egocentric People.

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I wear a coat by Cheap Monday
Shoes by Balenciaga
Shorts by S1S (Danish)
Sweater by Mango
Bag by Mulburry
Perfume by Marc Jacob

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Win the Fashion to Figure giveaway!

Fashion is not about being thin, it's about celebrating your figure by being comfortable with it. Fashion to Figure is just about that, looking your best even if you're wearing a plus size jeans or a plus size dress. Confidence, comfort and creativity, regardless of size, is what makes sexy.

I love how Jennifer Lopez put it, on her 2004 interview with the Readers Digest, she was asked what's sexy for her. She said that if she sees a slim, tall lady walking ungracefully with sagged shoulders and eyes that are only fixed on the ground, that lady won't appeal to her. But if she sees a plus size lady, walking with grace, with hair blown out by the wind and with chin that's raised high enough to exude confidence, now that's sexy for her.

plus size girl
photo credit: weheartit.com

This time, we're lucky to have a sponsor to celebrate with us our sexiness regardless of size! Fashion to Figure is giving one creative fashionista a dress, skirt, tights, shorts, or any cloth of her choice worth $30.

Visit the FashiontoFigure shop and tell me what you'd like to win through a comment below this post.

Enter Now!

For one entry

Follow Creative Fashion through Google and leave a comment on this post stating what you'd like to win from FashiontoFigure Store between now and March 19, 2011.

For additional one entry

Become a follower of Creative Fashion on twitter. [Make a separate comment for this entry and include your Twitter name]

For additional one entry

Follow Creative Fashion on Facebook. [Make a separate comment for this entry and include fb username]

Have a wonderful week!

This Giveaway is open to all US residents only

The winner of $65 CSN Stores gift card giveaway

Finally, the time has come when one creative fashionista gets a chance to purchase a CSN product of her choice. I'm so glad that a lot of ladies participated in this giveaway and made it so much fun. Thank you girls!

As for me, I can forget the adjustable bar stools that I fancied for the moment. It isn't my time yet.

giveaway winner
photo credit: weheartit.com
Thank you CSN store, too, for giving me the 3rd opportunity to host a giveaway for your stores. I'd be glad to host another one, and maybe more, :)

And the winner of the $65 CSN Store gift card is @EEK_031880. Congratulations! I'll email you about your gift card in a few minutes. Enjoy shopping!

For the girls who did not win, don't be sad.  We still have another giveaway. Join the Fashion to Figure giveaway.

Also, those who wish to host a CSN giveaway at their blog, and if you're very interested, you can email me and I'd send you the contact information of the pr guy. Cool, huh?

Ana Dello Russo - FW - Paris

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Ana Dello Russo est vraiment très sympa. Elle prend toujours quelques instants
pour nous laisser faire quelques photos avant le défilé et j'aime bien ce qu'elle
a dit sur Galliano à la sortie du défilé Dior ...

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Twin Blog for new pictures !

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Chers visiteurs de "Easy Fashion in Paris".
Je veux vous présenter mon nouveau blog
pour des photos différentes et un nouveau
point de vue: "L'Effort Moderne".
Bien entendu "Easy Fashion Paris"
continuera comme avant ...

Dear Visitors of "Easy Fashion in Paris".
I want to present to you my new blog for different
pictures & a different point of view: "L'Effort Moderne".
"Easy Fashion Paris" will go on as usual ...

Merci pour votre fidélité !

Lou Doillon - FW - Paris

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Eva - La Bastille - Paris

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" ... Mon nom est Eva. Je suis étudiante en Mode
au Studio Berçot. Pour moi, la Mode permet d'exprimer
sa personnalité. Aujourd'hui, mon look est confortable
pour pouvoir faire du vélo dans Paris. Dans la vie, j'aime
les gens qui savent rire et s'amuser. Je déteste les gens
snobs. My message au reste du Monde: Don't worry. Be
happy ! ..."

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Je porte un manteau self-made
Doc Marten's vintage
Sweater vintage de Londres
Sac self-made
Parfum: Violet essence

Betty Bachz - Total B look - FW - Paris

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Beaucoup de visiteurs étrangers sont étonnés de voir autant de parisiens
habillés de couleurs sombres ou de noir. Cette jeune femme, photographiée
à l'entrée du "Grand Hôtel" à la sortie du défilé Balmain, porte pourtant le
noir avec une rare élégance. Elle n'a pas oublié toutefois une touche de
couleur rouge avec ses chaussures en velours frappé.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ayano - FW - Paris

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" ... Mon nom est Ayano. Je suis étudiante dans une
école de Mode à Tokyo. J'aime les vêtements aux couleurs
vives. Je déteste les insectes. Mon message au monde:
We need more colorful clothes for people ! ..."

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